SP Nutritional Purification Cleanse
Read below and ask yourself what can doing this cleanse do for you?

Take a look at Katie's results below:
Katie's Symptoms prior to SP Cleanse Migraine Headaches
Plugged Ears Swollen Tongue Post Sinus Drip Plugged Sinuses Frequent Sneezing Cold Hands Cold Feet Heartburn Aches from Indigestion Bloating after Eating Monthly Feelings of Restlessness Leg Cramps Urgent Urination Night Sweats Nighttime Restlessness Good Sleep Quality (Not Great) Normal Energy (Not High) Soreness in Elbows Soreness in Wrists Craving Starches and Sweets Craving Coffee Craving Beer and Wine Craving Hot Spices |
Katie's Symptoms after SP CleanseGONE
GONE Less Swollen GONE GONE Reduced Reduced Reduced Improved GONE GONE GONE GONE Less often Improved Improved Great! Improved Less Less Reduced GONE GONE Rare |
More Cleanse Testimonials:

Testimony of the SP Liver Cleanse
Over the past five years I have been focusing on better nutrition. I have had type I diabetes for the past 30 years, and although I have not had any major complications, I want to achieve excellent health through proper nutrition for a happy, productive life. In the past 5 years, I have participated in two other cleanses/nutrition programs offered through your office, which both affected my health in positive ways. After each of these experiences, I made some permanent nutritional changes, which afforded me better health. I feel like I am peeling away layers of bad habits and gradually getting closer to the real me. I feel so fortunate to have met you, you have taught me so much about proper nutrition and about making better food choices.
This summer I decided to go a little deeper in my journey toward excellent health, and participated in the 21 day SP Liver Cleanse. I will have to admit, I was a little worried about if I could do this cleanse for 21 days. Would I get too hungry? Would I experience severe detoxification symptoms? Would this throw my blood sugars into severe highs and lows? Could I stick to eating only the foods listed on the plan? Well, I am happy to report that I did it! Let me tell you a little more about my experience.
The first few days, I did experience a little hunger as my body adjusted to not eating certain types of foods. I was advised by Dr. Dan to drink as many protein shakes as needed, so I didn’t get hungry. Just having this knowledge and permission to eat, if I was hungry, helped me get through those first few days. Don’t get me wrong, I did have some weak moments when I needed more encouragement. I will tell you another key to my success in this cleanse was doing it with my partner. Having another person to prepare meals with, food shop with, and provide encouraging words really made a difference for me.
The main discomfort I noticed during this three week cleanse mostly occurred during the first week. As far as detox symptoms, I had very mild headaches the first week, as my tissues were detoxing, but the headaches only lasted less than 5 minutes. I also had some episodes of low energy during the first week, so if you can do this during a time when you can relax when these “low energy moments” occur, that would be beneficial. Hunger, as I already mentioned was the other on-going issue; however, it was easily remedied with another protein shake or some fresh, raw vegetables.
One of the exciting things I discovered through this cleanse was how really great-tasting plain vegetables are! This cleanse not only cleanses your intestines, it also cleanses your palette. This cleanse reset my taste buds to pure, great tasting fruits and vegetables!
As with all programs, people respond differently to the regime and products. One problem I ran into on the plan was major constipation. It was nice to know help was only a phone call away. I called Dr. Dan anytime I had a problem or question, even on the weekend. He was always available to offer good advice and encouragement....
I lost about 15 pounds while on the cleanse and felt totally energized and confident to continue on my newer healthy eating habits. Since the cleanse, I have continued to meet with Dr. Dan for nutritional guidance. I have kept many of the healthy choices as my new way of eating. Some of these choices include, eating raw vegetables and fruits, eating only fresh (no processed foods), and I have cut out one of my biggest temptations: potato chips and bread! I have maintained my weight loss and am gearing up for another weight loss endeavor. I would highly recommend this cleanse to anyone who is ready to make a commitment toward better health and nutrition.
-Denise P.
-Denise forgot to mention that the amount of insulin that she needed to use reduced dramatically during the cleanse...this means the cleanse helped the insulin resistance of her cells!-Dr Dan
I lost 9 lbs and got off caffeine!
I began the SP cleanse with no expectations but was pleasantly surprised with my results. I felt confident I could do anything for 21 days and I was ready after the holidays to get back on a healthier eating track. As a result, I got completely off caffeine with only one small headache the second day. I lost nine pounds and also felt more energetic. I slept better and my hot flashes subsided. I plan to this cleanse at least once a year. After the first week the routine actually became a little easier to follow. Good luck! It is worth the effort.
-Debbie C.
-Debbie C.
"If you had told me the impact that the SP Purification program would have had on my life, I would not have believed it. In fact, I didn't believe it. But the fact is, after two years and three purifications later, I still am so completely amazed at how different my life is."
"I was at a point where I felt like I had no life...Exhausted, constantly in pain, depressed because I couldn't lose weight...That all changed the first week I was on detox."
-Carol H.
"The wife and I finished our detox last Monday and haven't felt this good in 20+ years! We have more energy throughout the day and I finally get that restful sleep at night. Rarely do I wake up at 2:00 in the morning and not get back to sleep until about 4:00."
"I was at a point where I felt like I had no life...Exhausted, constantly in pain, depressed because I couldn't lose weight...That all changed the first week I was on detox."
-Carol H.
"The wife and I finished our detox last Monday and haven't felt this good in 20+ years! We have more energy throughout the day and I finally get that restful sleep at night. Rarely do I wake up at 2:00 in the morning and not get back to sleep until about 4:00."